Our four day weekend and celebrations for our Queen's Diamond Jubilee are coming to an end today. Back to work for me tomorrow. We've had a lovely long weekend though Sunday's event I was attending was a washout. It rained non stop from early hours right up to around Midnight.
We did have our own private celebrations yesterday.

Sharing one of my favourite pictures of our Queen and her husband the Duke of Edinburgh. I'd love to know what he said to make her laugh.

You are up early this morning. Guess you are trying to enjoy your last day of hols. Glad you got that celebration caning (or spanking).
Seize the day.
Michael - I have, we have two garages we are clearing out today. Hope you're enjoying your long weekend.
Come on, if you saw P in that hat, wouldn't you be laughing? Many congratulations to your queen, She is such a lovely lady.
Terrific photo of the Queen. Thanks for sharing.
I heard Prince Phillip was taken to hospital yesterday. I hope he is all right.
I will watch yesterday's concert on tv tonight.
PK - I think he would look quite dashing in one LOL. Thanks PK.
Joey - Thanks for stopping by.
Hermione - Yes he was. Such a shame for him not to have been there with her. He's to remain in hospital for a few days as a precaution.
Hope you enjoy the concert. We didn't see it all. Thanks Hermione.
Glad you enjoyed the holiday.. Been watching on the TV .
hope the private celebrations were like the drawing (just not 60 whacks with the cane)... Love to know what caused the Queen to have a wee giggle...
bottoms up
kinda neat when you think about it.
SunnyGirl _ lovely four days but going to be hard to get back into work mode. Thanks SG.
Red - Celebration not quite the picture:) Thanks Red. The Duke's nickname for her is Cabbage.
MM - Hello to you. It makes me smile every time I see the picture. Thanks MM.
What a grand jubilee holiday its been, it was excellent in my part of the UK and from what i could see from news ect: it was an excellent time all round . Everyone seemed to show the true british determination and refused to let grey skies and heavy rain dampen their ardent spirits.
Correction Man.
Sounds like a wonderful weekend.
Oh...that picture is adorable!!! I would love to know what was said, too.
The Queen can be proud, she has two fine lass'ess For Kate, and Pippa, are two Ass'ess
Ronnie, Here's to the pain of the cane, in your Diamond Jubilee Celebration. I love it when you wear suspender-belt, and stockings.
I'm not a monarchist but I have to take my hat off to anyone who can stick that job for 60 years.
On a side note, one of my work colleagues was complaining that he doubted if we would get a four day weekend when King Albert gets to 60 years on the throne. As my colleague is fifty five I was surprised at his expectation of such longevity and shocked that he seems to believe that retirement ages will rise so much that he still expects to be working when he is ninety six years old :)
I'm so interested in your thoughts about this. As a USAn North American. We are allowed no leaders we can feel reverance to. Unless they're long dead and even then someone will say "every generation throws a hero up the popcharts". They're all bullshit mediahype polibots here, right back to Washington.
I guess that's the way we are.
CM - Only us Brits can do promp like that. Wasn't too much going on around where I live. As I said the Sunday event was a washout. Thanks CM.
FD - Certainly was for me:) Thank you FD.
Goveringana - Yes, quite adorable. Maybe he called her by his knickname for her "cabbage" Thanks GM
SOTB - I love when I wear them as well:) Thanks.
Prefectdt - Our retirement age has recently been change and the Government is having further talks about future retirment ages so your colleague could be right:) It's our young I feel for. Thanks Pref.
Emen - To be honest I don't know much about USA politics or your constitution. I'm not a royalist but I do like that we have a monachy as Head of State. She doesn't rule but fulfills important ceremonial and formal roles. A lot here would like to get rid of them. As you say thst's the way we all are. Thanks Emen.
CABBAGE.... He is such a charmer isn't he...
Red - Some don't think so:)
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