Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Italian Spanking

Came across this and thought it was different, a Mel Gibson production perhaps:)

I mean, the dress suggests Roman times of about the same time, a tad brutal, looks like the girl being disrobed is about to trade places with the girl on the right.



Unknown said...

Oh, interesting that the woman in the foreground is a photograph and everyone else is a rendering.

Great find!

Anonymous said...

Poor things- although their shoes are right on trend so I suppose that is something. ;)

Anonymous said...

definitely brutal

Daisychain said...

Oh, my...imagine how it would feel to see what happened to the others as you awaited your turn...scary... good find, as always, Ronnie! xxx

Katia said...

That is a great picture, what a story it could tell. I love how the woman standing next to the gal about to get spanked looks so calm. On the otherhand, I can only imagine the look of fear on the one waiting to be spanked. Great find, Ronnie.


ronnie said... - Fairly well done I think.

Poppy - LOL yes. Could have made the whip a bit more realistic.

Red - They were with their servants in those days.

Daisychain - I wouldn't like to watch others being punished so harshly knowing I'm next :)

Katia - Thanks. I would have liked to see the look on the face of the girl who is about to be whipped but then again maybe not :)

Thanks all.


Hermione said...

I agree, it looks like Mel Gibson on a good day. Very brutal. The Victorians liked it that way too, from what I have read.


Unknown said...

Ronnie, case you hadn't noticed yet, your blog was nominated for "Blog of the Month" by the Spanking Bloggers Network. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh Ronnie, Congrats and you are too funny w the MG idea! I saw his latest disguise that went awry (detected) - what a character! I can't imagine the sounds.... that's what 'struck' me. Have a lovely weekend.

ronnie said...

Hermione - Your right about the Victorians, quite like that era. Thanks. - I don't so. I've just popped over and I can see Chross is up there for this month and quite rightly so but thanks anyway :)

KayLynn - LOL, not my favourite actor. Thanks and I will drop you an email :)

Thanks and I hope you all have a great weekend.


Unknown said...

Ronnie: You've been NOMINATED. On the message board. :) For October.

Danilo said...

Good morning. I am the 'author of that plan. I write here because I'm not at all in agreement that the design is brutal. Even compared to Mel Gibson.
The only thing comparable is the settling-in period.
Punishment with the "ferula" was just above the spanking with the hand, and was widely used in school discipline.
As for quality: the drawing was done in 1998 with a resolution of 640X480 we were at the dawn of photoshop :-)