
Friday, 13 August 2010


Tuesday we went to Moda, a fashion show at the NEC, P came with me again which suits me because he drives and we usually get lunch out. I wasn't looking to buy unless something really caught my eye, just keeping aware of the trends for Autumn/ Winter. It's not as good as the London shows but they had a fair amount of new exhibitors, particularly from the far East and Asia. There's so much nice stuff on display at these shows it would be nice if you could buy one-offs for personal use but of course that's not allowed.

So aside from the bags they had footwear, skirts and dresses, lingerie, bridal gear, beautiful tops, jewellery and a men's section which we didn't even get to. Models on every corner, all very colourful and a complete change from the office, I particularly liked some of the leather clothing (did you know they do leather bras, I knew they did PVC) and the high length knee boots. P said some were the kind of things women on my slutty telephone kiosk cards wore. I told him I liked them, he just looked said hmmm. We did a double take on the 'Spanx' stand, for those of you who don't know them they're underwear and swimwear to slim your bottom and tum and all those other bits you get when you get older. I didn't see any signs of spanking not even the tiniest innuendo and the girls looked bored silly.

Moving on from there we turned into a new aisle and there it was ahead of us 'Hermione's Collection'. I couldn't believe it, Hermione coming all this way and not telling me! The dresses were all silk, long, beautiful colours, I asked P to get a photo of the stand and be sure to get the name on it, he did but too far away and it's blurred. (you may just be able to make out her name if you increase the picture size.) So we went closer right into the stand and he went to take another snap on his nokia when Miss Prim came over and told us 'no photos' because they wouldn't do justice to the dresses, I felt like saying kindly fetch Hermione over, she'll let me take photos, but instead Miss Prim handed me one of their catalogues and said it was better than photos. I didn't like to tell her we only wanted to snap the name on the stand and didn't give a hoot about the dresses.

So Hermione, were you there? Should I have asked for you? Fancy hiding your creative talent under a bushel, very naughty :)



  1. What a shame you and Hermione didn't get to have lunch or something together. I'm sure she will have something to day to that snippy girl.

    Anyway I'm glad you two got to have a nice day out and saw some pretty things.


  2. I can't help it. Whenever I see "Spanx" in the store, my mouth goes dry and I start to blush. And people insert references to this article of clothing into regular conversation -- out loud! -- as if there's nothing wrong with saying "spanks" in polite company. Have they no shame? ;)

  3. Leather bras are a BIG hit at our local Renaissance Festival. They are a bit pricey and I am WAY to big top wise AND um tummy wise to EVER get one,though My Sir keeps saying one is in my future,um gulp! Lovely dresses,I couldn't wear those either though. ;)

  4. I always wondered what Hermione did for a living. She has always been a bit quiet about what brings the pennies in :)


  5. LOL! You should have been a detective, find EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxx

  6. Hermione has never looked finer....REd

  7. Ronnie - My secret is out! In my spare time - hah! - I design sexy dresses for the European market.

    It sounds like a fun day, and so nice of P to accompany you.


  8. PK - LOL, it was amusing to see Hermione's name on the stand. They are all very secretive and don't like pictures taken, think that you maybe copying their styles.

    Barely.Pink - I've never seen them in our local store, only on line and now at that show. Do you know my son said this morning that his boss will probably spank him on Monday, it stopped me in my tracks :)

    Scrunge - Hi. I really didn't know they did bras in leather, some of them were lovely, I'd love one. They were reasonably priced to buy at the show but couldn't just buy one. I'm sure you would look good in one. I'm a jeans/trousers person, those dresses not me either.

    Prefectdt - Our friend Hermione's a girl of many talents :)

    Daisy - How did you know, I'd loved to be a private detective :)

    Red - So were her dresses.

    Hermione - Your very talented, the dresses were lovely. :) It was a fun day.

    Thanks all, hope you have a wondferful weekend.


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