Todd & Suzy, American Spanking Society have founded a day for us spankos. So August 8th is Consensual Spanking Day. A day for us here in the community to stand together. You can read their post here.

Spread the word and have a safe and fun spanking day.
LOL, my birthday is spanking day????? YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring it onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
oh...but, wait a minute....
Davey is still on a different continent.... sigh...........
Some day, my Prince will come,
And that day, I will want to run
For my spankings are PILING high,
I'll be whupped till I cry and cry....
My ass will be beaten raw,
I'll never have been that sore
But, contented I will be,
Reddest ass you ever did see....
Some day when my dreams come true........
You'll have to ask P for a extra spanking for me. Too many people here for us to celebrate properly.
And Daisy - Happy Birthday to you!!!
Let's hope everybody enjoys spanking day.
Happy Spanking Day and thanks for getting the word out. Would be neat if this catches on.
~Todd & Suzy
Your welcome Egypt.
Daisy - Happy Birthday. I wished you had said. Your dreams will come true and your poor bottom will be as bright as Rudolph's nose :)
PK - Didn't happen, we've had unexpected visitors and son back home early.
FD - Spanking here, spanking there, spanking everywhere, except at our house this weekend :)
Todd & Suz -Happy Spanking Day to you both, your very welcome. I hope it does. Great idea of yours.
Thanks all for taking time to stop by and comment. Hope your enjoying the day.
This is such a great idea! I'm still hoping that someone will incorporate a National Switch Day where tops and bottoms get to change places for a few hours. But for now, Consensual will have to do. I'm pleased.
Hi Ronnie,
Happy CSD. I hope you consent to one, to celebrate.
Happy Consensual Spanking Day, August 8th. To all 'spanking enthusiasts' may I say 'six of the best', 'six of the very best', on a naughty ladies bare bottom.
SugarAnn - I love your idea, maybe it could be incorporated into Consensual Spanking Day.
Hermione - I'd consent happily :)but no chance had visitors on Saturday who stayed overnight and son came home early today :( Hope you and Ron managed to celebrate.
Sixofthebest - Same to you. Six of the best is just fine :)
Thank you for stopping by and I hope your all enjoying our day.
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