I posted last week about me wearing P's underwear, I must admit I like to wear his thin micro skin shorts, they're far more comfortable than some of my pants so I've claimed them for my own.
It got me thinking, I wonder if many women wear their partners underwear, then I also got to thinking, I wonder do many men wear their other half's underwear so I sent an email to P asking if he thought a lot of men wore their partners underwear. He said he doubted, it why, they wouldn't be comfortable they wouldn't be shaped right. Then a few mins later maybe some did, in fact he reckoned most MPs did and judges.
I don't know where he gets his ideas from, I can't image our Prime Minister, Gordon Brown wearing Sarah's panties, although they may look quite sweet on the contender for the job.
Anyway I Googled and found this question and comments, these are just a section -
What do women think about men wearing their panties?
"My boyfriend likes me to wear my panties for a while sometimes he spanks me in them, then he wears them to work the next day. I think it is a super turn on. I stay hot all day thinking of him wearing my silkies "
"My wife buys almost all of my pants or should I say panties. She also doesn't mind me wearing her hose. I like all the lingerie that women get to wear I have met a lot of women who get turned on more when I wear them. With one of my exes we had matching outfits with the garters and stockings and all. we used to go out on the town like that"
"My girlfriend loves that I wear women's panties ! She spends a lot of money at eBay (as do I), looking for pretty panties for me to model for her"
"My wife bought me 2 pair of satin string bikini panties for Christmas this year. She gets very turned on when I wear them. We have bought many matching pairs to wear together. now, That is all I wear and she buys them all for me"
"My wife and I share our underwear (panties)all of our lives (cheaper) she 58 me 65"
So a question:
What would you think / do if you found your partner wearing your underwear, or maybe they already do?
healthy man is not comfortable in women's underwear)
my girl likes to wear my shirts and t-shirts, but I didn't notice her in my underwear. I hope I will not see.
Wow, that would be such a turn off for me! One of the things I enjoy is how different my husband and I are...how we look, what we wear. I guess I could wear his, though have no interest, but I would really HATE to see him in mine!
When I try to picture in my wife's underwear the only word I can muster is "eww."
I have always enjoyed wearing panties. Other women's garments do not do it for me. We have matching panties for play sessions. Becall has found that my boxers make great sleeping attire.
The only time Ron might wear my undies is when I accidentally put my black cotton ones in his drawer by mistake when I'm putting away the laundry. But as far as I know, he has always returned them to the top of my dresser, unworn.
Brand Clothing - Thank you for commenting.
Sara - Apparently a lot of women are turned on but I don't see why it turns them on so much top see their man in their panties.
Mick - I think a lot of men would say the same :)
Our Bottom Burns - I find P's boxers really comfy but can't imagine him in a pair of mine.
Hermione - P does the same and returns them unworn or at least I think there unworn :)
Thanks all, have a great weekend.
personally ronnie, I agree with sara what a turn off!!!! but I have to admit to going the other way. I love to wear my hubby's t shirts and even his dress shirts to bed but I'm not allowed to do that anymore so he bought me a man's dress shirt of my own that I keep with my jammies. and one time when I was pregnant with one of my kids I took to wearing his boxer briefs. I loved them at the time but I can't see myself doing it again and I never told him LOL
Same here, wouldn't do anything for me.
LOL, I used to wear P's boxers when I was pregnant, that's probably why I still like to wear them now.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hope you have a great weekend.
I'm with Mick.....EWWWE!!!
Sorry I want my man to look like a man. Wearing his boxers may be okay but I think he'd go all natural before putting on a pair of womens underware.
My hubby wouldn't fit in my underwear, but I think he'd have the same feeling as Mick. The only thing I have borrowed of Luke's is his t-shirts. They are so huge on me they are great to snuggle in.
Had you asked me this question over a year ago, I wouldn't know what to say... I discovered that someone very special to me loves to wear a nice silky pair of bikini panties from time to time. He told me that they were very comfortable and loved how the fabric felt against him. Just imagine his surprise the evening he ran out of toilet paper in the downstairs half bath and his 12 yr old son opened the door to hand over a roll and saw pink panties down around his father's ankles inside his chinos.. LOL The son never mentioned it again.
Big Hugs,
Janet, Katia - Same for me,I would hate to see P in my underwear and to be honest not sure what I would do.
Kitten - Goodness, what a shock for his son. Did his father make an excuse or something?
Thanks and hope you all have a great weekend.
He is comfy in the snug boxer type...i wear thongs...i really can't imagine him being comfy in mine, or vice versa. But, I brought a t shirt home wwith me that he had been wearing...and put it on the pillow nwxt to me .... i loved to be able to smell him next to me in bed. I freaked one night when I found the smell had gone...so he rushed to send me another, while i washed and posted the original back to him!
Hugs, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sorry about typos, i need new specs! xxxxxxxxxx
I like to raid my husband's closet for big t-shirts to lounge in, and he thinks I look cute wearing one of his hockey jerseys or one of his button-up dress shirts. I've tried a pair of his boxer briefs before that had shrunk in the wash, and they are actually pretty comfortable.
As for seeing him in my panties or anything like that--I can't really imagine! He's a very "manly" type guy, I don't think it would ever happen. And I don't think I'd like it at all, although since I've never seen it, I can't say for sure how I'd react!
One ofthe female friends I have deliberately bought me a 3-pack of women's high-cut panties in my size and told me I MUST wear the gift. Well, when I saw what they were, she asked me to strip and try them on. My 'item' was full and the fit was actually comfy.
She also bought me microfiber thongs and said they were in a catalog. I saw "Jockey" on the side of one and didn't give it a second thought. VERY comfy!
I only wear these items when she comes to visit or I stop at her place. All in fun. Of course, she likes me to be in my "birthday suit" for a spanking - or wearing the black thong - it is a turn-on for her and we have fun with it.
Daisy - You should try his boxers when he gets home, I find them comfty compared to some of mine :) Thanks Daisy.
Little Butterfly - I agree with you men's boxers are comfy. I wouldn't know how to react either if I found P wearing my pants. Thanks for stopping by.
Dave - So it seems that some women do get turned on with men wearing panties. Thanks.
Thanks and hope you all have a good week.
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