I was telling our son (he's gone back to uni now) about the Tina Turner concert, got round to talking about towns and cities all having their designated areas - dining, seedy, entertainment, shopping etc, he knew the Fantasy Bar in Manchester, said it's a lap dancing club, I thought first I'm glad we didn't go there then, and second how the hell does my son know it. I didn't even ask him, P can ask him over a beer some time.
This morning I was thinking about the Fantasy Bar, don't ask me why, I answered my mail, checked a few things for P then googled it and true enough it is a lap dancing club and quite expensive judging by the reviews, I don't think a student's grant would go far there. Then I drifted to checking bars and entertainment venues in other areas, I meandered outside of the UK and came across New Orleans and Bourbon Street, which I've never visited but it's apparently in the French quarter and lined with bars and music to suit all ages and tastes, sounds nice I think I would like it.
Then I found this poster which I though was fantastic, it didn't say which bar does the butt shows but it does suggest a broad mix of clients. I couldn't see myself on the poster, 'spanked butt' was not included.
Then I found this poster which I though was fantastic, it didn't say which bar does the butt shows but it does suggest a broad mix of clients. I couldn't see myself on the poster, 'spanked butt' was not included.
Talking of spanked butts, as we had the house to ourselves last night P spanked me, not hard, just one rolled over from the weekend he said, so that I know he doesn't forget. Well not always.
I have had some of those conersations with my son. Seems normal at the time and after he's gone I'm thinking "How'd he know about that?" Most of the time I would probably rather not know.
Love the poster. They really missed the boat on not having a 'spanking butt'. Wouldn't you like to see a whole poster of that. Maybe we could make our own with the various bloggers out here. Just our butts and screen names. I think we could find a market.
grinnnnnnnnnn.. just love PK's suggestion.. grin.....
and uhmmmmm... love the poster to... and I definetely would love to visit New Orleans... if the poster is a success maybe we could make it a field trip for us girls...
love, Lessa
Oh, I love the idea of a poster of all our buts with our "names" underneath. I swore I would never show a pic of my naked butt on my blog, but when I saw mine in the mirror after a hard spanking 2 days ago, my first thought was "Oh, it would be nice to post that." Must've still been high on endorphins. LOL
Totally off topic, Ronnie, but have you read Maeve Binchy's latest book, Heart and Soul?
The conversations with older children can be lots of fun, lol.
Recently one of my sons friends asked me if it was OK to spank a girl if she asked him to. Of course I told him that if she wanted him to AND he wanted to do so it was OK, but that if he did not want to spank her then he should not. His typical 17 year old reply? "But what if she's really good looking?" lol
PK - LOL That's a great idea PK, Oh what fun that would be, a poster of all our butts different shades of red mmmmmmmmmmm.
Lessa - I'd love to go to New Orleans and I love your idea of a field trip, put my name down.
Hermione - would be a great idea but instead of our names underneath we could have a guessing game. "Whose bottom is that".
I love to look at my bottom after a spanking :)and yes that would have been a lovely post of yours.
Oh a book with my blog name, no, haven't read it, will have to check it out, thanks. Have you read it Hermione?
Tapestry - hi, I love what questions kids come out with but seriously did your son's friend actually ask that? I wouldn't have known what to say.
I'd love to do a poster of all our bottoms and have people guess but I don't think anybody would send a picture in.
Thanks all, got to go, few emails to answer, then off out to meet a friend.
Yes, he really asked me that, and I really answered. My son and his friends think I'm the "coolest Mom" and love to hang out here because it's a safe place where I allow them to be themselves. They also like talking to me about these things that they don't feel thy can talk to their parents about.
I swear, if I was a stand-up comedian these boys would keep me stocked with new material - they are just so much fun. As it is, the things they say and do with me make great party stories, lol.
This is absolutely the best part of mother-hood. I love the open-ness and the fun and the banter.
Yes, I've read all Maeve's books. Mostly set in Dublin, each one is usually a novel with each chapter devoted to a different character, then how they all interact. Each book has characters you've met in previous ones, but if you haven't read the other books it really doesn't matter. I hope you try one.
Thanks Hermione, I've never read any of her books but I will certainly take a look.
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