I know we all have safe words, it's sensible, I'd never used mine and never thought I would until this particular occasion. The 'loopy' beast came from CANE-IAC and I told Gerry (also from cane-iac) I'd be posting about it one day and it wouldn't be praise. Then again in so doing, it might well inspire some to get one at the earliest opportunity, one girl's meat being another girl's poison as they say, but I would honestly say it's only for the brave.

We strolled back up the hill to the villa we'd rented for the week, it was a gorgeous position, not overlooked, inviting pool and a very pretty garden with some beautiful and unusual flowers and plants. We were hot from the short walk, even at 4.30pm the sun was fierce, we got cold drinks and sat around the pool, sipping, dipping and chatting.
We'd lazed for a couple of hours when P went for shower, I decided to follow straight after, there was a market in town that evening and we were going to walk down to it, enjoying the evening sun, and mooch around for an hour or so before finding somewhere to eat. When I finished showering, P was lying on the bed in just a pair of white underpants brown as a berry (he only has to look at the sun and he turns a gorgeous brown colour, he sure does look extra sexy when he has a tan, I think most people do) “Mmmmmmmmmm got something planned for me before we go out?'' I said as I threw the towel down knowing P doesn’t like me parading around in the nude (unless he has instructed me to) and joined him on the bed. We lay there for a few minutes talking, P stroking my legs. I don’t know why I thought about it but I said, “Do you remember that item you brought with us from Cane-Iac you know the one, the Loop?” He said he did indeed remember it, ''What's happened to it, you haven’t used it yet?'' He asked me what had made me think of that think of that and I answered ''Dunno, was just thinking about last night and the fly swat you put to good use from the kitchen, it was kind of stingy but nice, I was just wondering....''.
P laughed and pulled it out from under his pillow, ''I was thinking more or less the same, in fact I was going to give it its maiden outing yesterday but then spotted the fly swat and couldn't resist it. I think now's as good a time as any to test it out, don't you?'' He told me to position myself across his lap, the little device is especially intended for OTK and I was very happy to oblige as it's my favourite position, close, secure, personal.
''I think a warm up first,'' he said, mmmmmmm he started swatting my bottom with his hand, rubbing in between, swatting, rubbing, kneading my freshly showered flesh oooohhhhhhhhh, lovely, then I saw him pick up the loop, he started with little taps, they felt sharp but quite different from anything I'd felt before, maybe because the rattan was braided or maybe because the loop shape causes it to connect differently.
More rubbing, more light tapping then firmer, hand raised a little higher, faster, harder and harder, it was stinging, burning and soon I realised it was bloody well hurting a lot, it felt like a thousand bees stinging my bottom all at once and then coming back for more. The sensual pleasure which had been building nicely was quickly dissipated. I shouted for him to stop, I was wriggling, P held me tighter to stop me, he mis-read my shouting and wiggling as going with the territory, it raises the stakes for both of us when that happens, I love that he will overrule my protests and restrain me sometimes for spanking harder but this wasn't one of those times, I was starting to gasp for breath in between pleas for him to STOP, trying to put my hand over my bottom, I don't do that normally I know its not allowed but I couldn't help it. Afterwards I realised P was excited by it and obviously thinking I was resisting with a view to getting stricter treatment, which he proceeded to lay on with greater enthusiasm and even more painful results for me. I wanted this to stop, it HAD TO STOP, I really couldn’t take any more, and then the penny dropped I was doing all the wrong things struggling and shouting when what I needed was our safeword, I said it and P stopped immediately, concerned and I think a bit upset that he'd misinterpreted events but mostly worried that I must be hurt. I told him how much it was hurting even though it probably wasn't the hardest spanking I'd had it was the way it hurt.
P being the gentleman he is got some after sun cream, laid me on my tummy and started smoothing it into my tormented bum, it had an immediate cooling effect, I thought there's something they could give to the marketing boys - soothes sunburn, cools spanked bottoms.... He said he was surprised it had hurt so much, he'd definitely spanked me much harder at other times and although my bottom was covered with thin angry red lines, they were not welting and didn't look as if they would bruise. I said maybe it could have been because I was still a bit tender from the fly swatting the night before, being freshly showered or both, but whatever the reason it damn well hurt. I certainly felt it when we sat down to dinner later and it was still slightly stinging when I showered next morning. There was no sex by the way, I'd really felt like it when I came out of the shower but the Loop killed it off, for P too, I think he felt like he'd personally failed by not reading the situation which wasn't the case at all. I convinced him of that next morning whilst relieving him of a particularly nasty case of early morning male hardness.
I genuinely didn’t know how much those things hurt, I was as curious as P to find out and I think I was shocked by the ferocity of it. I definitely didn't want to give it a second try and it was packed away for the rest of the vacation. I really felt bad about safewording later but P said not to worry about it, some things just don't work for everyone.
Looking at the beast again I am in two minds whether to leave it out for another try, maybe a different occasion different mindset, I don't like being beaten. Well not in that sense.
Couple of Pics, the better ones include me or P and I can't really show them.
View from the villa pool
ronnie, I think it is really great that you shared this story. It illustrates that even in established, close, long-term relatonships, a safe word is important to have.
Reading this I was struck by how much I could relate. The struggling, protesting etc does it for us at certain times and was in fact one of the first things (in hindsight) that should have alerted us to our dynamic way back when.
Me? I woudl jettison it! There are just some things that don't work ... no accounting for it- as you say it is not always obvious why - but with the number of lovely little implements out there still to try... why bother with one that didn't?
Kudos to you for sharing as I said - I think you brought upsome great points.
And the pictures are gorgeous... god,do I wish I were somehwere like that NOW!!
"Eeee!"...I have just ordered the cane-iac carpet beater loop cane...It is not braided so is prolly less painful...
I have had a loop cane used on me before...I did find it veery painful...but the after effects were "Wow!"...
I am a bit of a pain slut lol...
I enjoyed reading your account...Ty for sharing...
Karen x
Hey Ronnie,
I have never felt like I would like the loopy stuff. Nothing thin holds attraction for me - no canes or anything for me. I think you might want P to try it again with the understanding that it is just a short experiment if it's really as bad as you remember I'd trash it!!
Love the pictures I want you to be my travel agent!
ronnie - thanks for sharing. That sounds like one evil implement. Glad you had a safeword and even gladder that you remembered what it was.
Oh damn! Now I'm gonna have to buy one if Tiggr sees this post ...
oh Ronnie... hugsssssss... thanx for sharing.. never had one of those and never ever am gonna get me one now... I may be used to tough spankings.. my Love does like spanking me.. but as soon as he thinks it hurts to much he stops... no safeword until now... well that might grow... we do have one...
I would throw that nasty thing away.. or better yet.. burn it... at least then you can watch it having pain... grin...
Selkie - hello, lovely to see you here and thanks. I am in two minds whether to ask P to try it again I can't believe I had to use the word but your right even when you are in a long loving relationship a safe word is important. P is very careful when spanking and he was very surprised and concerned but to be honest I had forgotten all about this toy until I found it not sure.
Karen - hi, Ohhhh you will have to let us know what you think of that one.
PK - yes, you could be right, just not sure if I want to. Won’t throw it away just yet :)
Hermione - me too, thanks for stopping by.
Dante - hey, no, as Selkie says much nicer toys out there.
Lessa - hello you, thanks. love that - burn it and watch it in pain, think that’s what I will do if I decide I don’t want P too use it again. He said it's my choice on that one, "use if or loose" :)
Thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment.
Hope you all have a good week.
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