They say things comes in threes, mine has been 2 X 3. So far.
1. Mothers day's fast approaching, we had a mini argument about it this morning before P left for the office, it was left unsettled.
2. I got into work and couldn't access my blogger account, entering the password caused IE to crash, then my bank account did the same but didn't even wait for the password, just loading the screen crashed it. I reluctantly sought P's help, re-started the machine - no good, ran a virus scan - nothing, Microsoft's error reporting was useless as ever. P couldn't solve it so he downloaded Google Chrome for me to see if that worked. Fine no problem and a lot faster then IE, so that's it IE is in quarantine for now and probably forever.
3. Then I reminded P that I'd be popping over to a friend's tonight just for a while, as it's her birthday, so we'd be a bit later than usual going out (we try to eat out alternate Wednesdays, it used to be weekly but we've cut down) but he said we weren't going because he's booked a meal for mothers day. Hmmph! so on top of the words we had earlier I'm expected to forgo my hard-worked-for little treat for the dubious pleasure of entertaining his mother out on Sunday. That's not the last word on that.
4. We had a fire alarm at work, it wasn't a drill but it was plainly obvious as we filed into the corridor that someone had been burning toast in the tenants' kitchen, we all had to go outside and assemble, fire brigade came, cheerful lot, identified the source of the alarm which was burnt toast smoke as we suspected and the culprit was already known. I smiled to myself as the leading fireman strode across the road to our gathering for a word with the arsonist, I imagined him taking her over his knee and teaching her a lesson in front of us all, I'm sure it might have led to an epidemic of burnt toast. It didn't happen but the thought put a smile on my face.
5. My cell phone battery has almost drained again it only lasts a few calls or even fewer texts, I have to go and find a new one, I hate having new gadgets but definitely need one, I'll get one like P's with an easy to work camera.
5. My cell phone battery has almost drained again it only lasts a few calls or even fewer texts, I have to go and find a new one, I hate having new gadgets but definitely need one, I'll get one like P's with an easy to work camera.
6. To top it all, our son called from Uni, he was on his way to hand in an essay, said he was feeling under pressure, I could hear it in his voice, it's his final year exams are looming and 4 more essays to hand in all in a tight timeframe, now I want to jump in the car go up and see him, give him a big hug and try to calm him a bit, I'm a real worrier when it comes to our son, I suppose all mothers are. I know not to do it, all his housemates are under pressure too, it's part of life.
It's lunchtime now, writing this post has cheered me up but there's more to come, I'm sure of it, because I'm way unhappy about number 3 and I'm going to say so.
sorry the day is starting off on such a negative note! Perhaps from here on in it will only look up? (one can only hope!) -
I've survived now TWO weeks without a cell phone! Me, who was one of the first to get one years and years and years ago! and I sorta like it! I admit it! But I'll have to break down soon and decide what to do about it- at the end of its all, they are a comfort and a safety thing first and foremost (and when you're on the highway like I am at 4:30 a.m. its a good thing to have).
yes, every mother does worry about their children! and such a big move when they leave for school - but a necessary one! It is, when all is said and one, how they eventually GROW up!! All those stresses, the deadlines, the decisions, the self-motivation are what make them into functioning, well adjusted adults (and boy or boy it takes its toll on mums who want to protect them against all the bumps!).
I help my guys out with their essays - in the sense of going over them, fixing up grammar, presentation etc - it keeps me a bit involved but doesn't undermien their independence!
good luck sweetie ...xoxoxox keep hanging in!
Mmmmm firemen dishing out spankings....yummy.
Hugs, Jay
Sending you tons of sweet, feel better hugs and a friendly reminder to just relax and accept... stay open to all that is happening and instead try to look at fun ways to enjoy rather than turn these things into more than they are... just bumps in the road.
But yes, there are a lot of bumps and some are quite high and long! Hang in there, sweetie, and know that we are all pulling for you!
Dear Ronnie:
i wish you an easy going afternoon! and a really pleasant and relaxing night!!
hugs and love,
Nothing like a man in uniform ;-)
I can relate on so many levels. I'm finding that letting go and just rolling with it helps me keep more calm and peaceful. And yes, that's still a whole lot easier said than done. I'm not really all that good at it, I just know that the couple times I've just allowed myself to float with the current instead of battling against them everything really did work out much more smoothly.
I'm thinking a glass of wine is of some help in relaxing into the current too. ;) It certainly can't hurt, lol.
Well if P changed the dinner plans I hope you let him decide what he wanted to cook for the two of you when you got home. I don't know if this is a possibility for you guys but I think you should waited on if you had to miss your dinner out.
I sure do know about worrying about sons in college. I just take a deep breath and say a prayer. I understand wanting to just go and make everything right and smooth for them. It's hard to restrain ourselves but the good news is - they can handle it!
Hope all is looking better by now.
Oh dear, sounds like an awful day...for sure!
Why do I suddenly feel like singing..."The sun will come out tomorrow..betcha bottom dollar that tomorrow...there'll be sun!"
I hope this is true for you!
I had a different song in mind to Grace's.....'did you ever have one of those days?'....seems you did lovely one. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
love and hugs xxx
I agree with the making him cook dinner... if he wants you to miss your dinner for a dinner date with his mom... well then he has to cook.. and ask your son to come home on mothersday... cause you are a mother to and should be pampered...
I have a real nice mother in law.. but in the past I had one who was an alcoholic... well no way I was spending money on taking her out to dinner... no way...
hope tomorrow is better indeed.. you could also listen to Hakuna matata ;-)
love, Lessa
Selkie – 2 weeks without your cell, brave girl, I couldn’t do without mine, I do use it a lot for business. I’ll have to wait until weekend before I can get one, more time. I hate having a new gadgets, I’ve had this cell for years.
We’ll worry about our children no matter what age they are. I’ll take a deep breath and keep fingers crossed he will be fine. At least he has a couple off weeks of university over Easter so maybe he can catch up on some of his essays.
Jay - Our local firemen are lovely and a couple of them are quite yummy, they’ve been out to the office before.
Tiggs – thank you bouncy one. Just got to me, don’t know why, doesn’t usually
Lothiane – thank you for coming by, afternoon was better.
Kitten – Oh I do love a man in uniform
Tapestry – Took your advice we had a bottle of wine with our meal
PK – Compromise last night and P did cook. I’ll be happier end of June, all his exams finished but then I’ll be worrying about him finding a job :)
Grace – thanks, I would love to hear you sing that Grace
Me – thank you, today so far has been good but busy :) which I like. I don’t know that song M:e, I’ll have to goggle it.
Lessa – hiya, P did cook and very nice it was. Some mother in laws are bad enough but to have one that was an alcoholic must have been awful.
Lovely if son could come home but I know he is busy. We will be popping in to see him end of month when we go to see Tina Turner and I’ll give him a big, big hug then :)
Reading all your lovely comments have really cheered me up, I want to thank you so much for popping over. It truly is appreciated.
Love to you all.
Ronnie.. wowwwwwwwwww, he made dinner... mmmmm, now that is what I call being pampered... grin... but ofcourse rightfully so... mothersday here is somewere in may... my own mom has always said it's to commercial for her... my Love's mom is a bit older and does like it.. so for the first time in 8 years I think I'l be 'celebrating' mothersday.. grin...
you have a wonderfull weekend...
love and hugs, Lessa
Hi Lessa,to be honest P is a much better cook than I am :)
Thats interesting to hear about mothers day being on a different date. You know how happy I am for you and that you will be celebrating mothers day this year :)
Hope your weekend is a good one.
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