P was at the office as usual, I called him to ask what time he'd be home and remind him to bring some copy paper with him. He told me he'd be on his way soon so I shot upstairs to rifle through my underwear drawer and fish out my fishnets, so to speak. Found them but they were damaged on the left leg, a rip about 10'' had appeared, don't know how, certainly don't remember doing it last time I wore them. Anyway I put them on. Sans knickers.
Downstairs I laid a few extra cushions on the sofa, when I heard P's car on the drive I stretched out on them, lying on my left side to hide the unglamorous lesion. P's face showed instant pleasure as he walked through the door, I hadn't forgotten and nor had he, followed quickly by a frown followed by Mr Stern. He came across to me, turned me fully onto my stomach and noticed the tear in my tights. Oh dear, now P really doesn't like slovenliness, he's totally ok about casual but not about scruffiness, unkempt, or neglect, he often tells me to put my pants straight that sort of thing.
So he grabbed my arm and pulled me up off the sofa, settled himself where I'd warmed it and pulled me back immediately across his knee to teach me a lesson about the importance of dressing correctly, never mind that it was a completely informal occasion between just the two of us; that made it even more important in his mind and I should have taken the trouble to make sure my attire was ship shape. Oh well, lazy girl me after all then, I taunted, and I suppose it was true, I should have checked them out earlier in the week. P had me quite convinced it was true after a couple of minutes getting my backside warmed and I told him he was right and I was SORRY really I was, as he ripped the tights down and picked up the pace on my bare bum.
He kept telling me he wouldn't tolerate slackness, laziness, lack of self respect whatever, he ranted on making me feel really quite guilty and apologising repeatedly as he supercharged my globes. I really hadn't expected things to go quite like this but I have to say I enjoyed it very much and after I'd squiggled through a good ten mins of bare bottom correction for my wicked oversight he took me upstairs and gave me a sound doggy style rogering while my fishnets languished around my knees.
Phew! Replete, flushed, scolded, scalded, delighted. Later in the afternoon we went shopping, he made me go buy a new pair of fishnets from M&S (for those not familiar with UK shopping, M&S is a regular store, not transposed S&M:)).
But frankly, I'd rather keep the old ones if that's what they get me.
I love that P can be so happy to find you where you were and go directly into Mr. Stern! It sounds like a wonderful afternoon. And yep, if I were you I would keep the old fishnest around - just in case!
Hahahahaha excellent. Yes Ronnie, definatly keep those Fish nets around. chuckle.
Hugs, Jay
Sounds like a lovely afternoon Ronnie! I would hang on to those fish nets for when you are a naughty girl ;-)
You do realise I'm never going to be able to think of M&S in the same light again??!!
Sounds like a great time....and hey, you can always rough up the new ones a bit can't you....lol.
love and hugs xxx
grins...sounds like a wonderfully fun afternoon! Those damn stockings ALWAYS rip!!
Sweet! I'm going to go find a pair to rip up right now....
Sounds like you had a very Mmmmm! afternoon...Definitely keep the ripped ones too lol...
Oh, this is so sweet! He loves you so much and you are really growing together in this fun kink of ours! Makes me grin even through the coughing!
LOVE the pic, too, very sexy!!!!!
Hi Ronnie:
I guess you are bringing Fishnets back into great popularity after this post, every woman is going out to get themselves a pair, well maybe 2 pairs one to keep pristine and the other to put a rip in!
Sounds like you had a yummy afternoon.
Take care
PK - hi, thanks, had to throw them away, after P yanking them down ripped again, we had a laugh.
Jay - hiya, thanks, hope your bottoms Ok today.
Kitten - nice to see you, dont tell P but have ripped one of my new pairs ready.
M:e hi, funny, never see M&S in safe light again.
Selkie - welcome, thank you for coming over. Certainly glad they were ripped and I hadn't checked them earlier in the week.
Carly - hello, thanks for stopping by, I know you must still be travellig, hope your both well. I'd send you a pair, got 2 in the pack.
LKR - thanks, lovely few hours. Sorry haven't been over will pop by as soon as I can.
Tiggs - are you feeling better today? Haha, I thought it was a sexy picture as well :)
AG - hi, very nice yummy afternoon, got 2 pairs in the pkt, one already ripped.
Loved your comments, thanks for taking time to stop by.
Daisy - if you do stop here, letting you know couldn't leave comment on any of your posts today, Tuesday.
Hi, Ronnie!
Dammit! why not, I wonder? Nor can Jay.... I don't know how to find out whats wrong...Jay said it was something about not having a warning up, but I have! And, havent changed anything since I opened it...
Anyway, to your post.... Don't you DARE keep the ripped ones, send them on to me...hahahaha! I'd wear them daily if they caused what you got! Hugs, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Daisy, I'd willing send you them but had to throw them out. When P pulled them down he ripped them further.
Sorry, not sure either, don't think it's anything to do with the warning page, I haven't got one and never had that problem.
Hope you get it working Daisy.
mmmmmmmmmm.. I love fishnets to... never had realized M&S sell them to... grin... I should check in the dutch shop...lol...
but my Love has the same thing with stockings... black, lacy and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
love, lessa
Hi Ronnie, I sstole Hermione's and Maryann's meme if you would like to see. Fishnets and a wide striped horizontal tee shirt reminds me of the ladies of the night at a seaport doing the Rumba. That most certainly is a good thing!
Great story and pic too!
Great story! Now I need some fishnets! Too bad the store isn't named S&M!
Oh and Daisy? I couldn't comment either and it had to do with the word verification. It wouldn't give me one, it just said it was loading!
Lessa, hello, I have learnt something from you today, I didn't know you had an M&S over there.
P loves stockings as well :)
Fab - hi, Ladies of the night doing a rumba, what a sight, funny. Will pop over and take a look later.
Dante - thanks, hope your feeling better today.
Grace, thanks for coming over, appreciate it. Never even thought of M&S as S&M until I wrote the post and as M:e says, wont think of M&S in the same light again :)
Thanks again everybody.
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