I mused about this, wondered if it can really apply across the board, thought no surely not because everyone's spanking needs are different, I mean if you get a real humdinger say an 8 on a 0-10 scale and you're only able to take a 4 then you're not going to be best pleased. But then again until you extend yourself you don't really know what you can take, or achieve, and I guess it would also depend on your partner and the circumstances. Then it was getting way too complicated and I stopped thinking about it and just emailed it to P with a smiley.
He hasn't responded yet, I hope he didn't think I was serious, I mean the 'DO NOT' bit.
Well, quite often men will do the opposite of what you want, just to be annoying or to show they are in control, so that could work to your advantage.
Otherwise, I assume this sign might be useful if you were warning someone that you wanted to stay "just friends" and not take the relationship to a deeper level.
I think I'll send it to Ron and see how he takes it.
Ronnie: I think you should have taken the NOT out of that sign. LOL.
And, yes, everyone needs are differnt and each couple has to work that out but I think the male should always be trying to 0ush things to new levels because you never know how far you can go until you've experienced it.
Let us know how he responds.
Hermione - Hopefully it will work to my advantage. I'd be very interested to hear how Ron takes it :)
FD - Hello, sorry didn't comment back until now. Managed to post a comment to Hermione then couldn't leave one for you, in fact I couldn't leave a comment on many blogs yesterday.
He hasn't responded yet, maybe send to send it to him again and ask for reply.
Thanks, hope all's well, have a good weekend.
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