So what do you think, did P find the opportunity when we were in Wales to give me a spanking?
Did he find the appropriate kitchen utensil. Or maybe put me over the pool table for that spanking I’ve always fancied. What about the walk in the woods. Or the leather ornaments on the wall, perhaps the whip or the riding crop.
Well………I 'm afraid none of them, I spent a good deal of time in bed Christmas Day and Boxing Day with a virus, I was shivering, shaking, sick, you name it. Can't remember ever feeling so ill or staying in bed so much. There was no wifi so I didn't take my laptop otherwise might have taken it to bed and consoled myself with some - er - educational reading; there was a desktop for free guest use but I didn't use it, would have been worried about leaving a footprint or worse still, having some family member creep up on me while I was reading one of your lovely blogs.
Back home now, still not feeling quite right, nothing juicy to report so here's a short fantasy, it isn’t all mine, a friend sent me the photos in a different connection last summer, way before I ever considered blogging, I don't know where from, so if they belong to anyone, please let me know and I will link you or if you want will take them off.
I like hotel visits myself, I was just wondering if our nearest hostelry, a Holiday Inn, rents rooms by the afternoon:) Enjoy the tale............
She had initiated something she always regretted at this last minute and she could feel butterflies in her stomach as her husband told her to lie with her hips over the cushions, bottom pushed upwards, as he took hold of her panties and lowered them to her knees.
Tender cheeks presented to her husband's stern countenance, Jane felt every bit the naughty girl she'd watched on the internet and certainly as deserving of punishment. In spite of her fear as David calmly lectured her, she was subconsciously willing the first stroke across her bottom when suddenly Swisshh..!! it arrived unannounced and shocked her with its ferocity and awful sting. After several minutes and more strokes than she could count, Jane was wriggling against the cushions and blubbering promises never to watch naughty internet sites again.

.....When she arrived at her husband's hotel room no time was wasted on small talk, she was there to be spanked. Her coat was removed to reveal she was already prepared for her ordeal, she'd been spanked before like this and enjoyed it.
Being prepared meant silk underwear, stockings and not much else under her cashmere coat.
She enjoyed it when David was masterful. He was several years her senior and had introduced her to spanking after a party at which they'd overheard and then peeped into one of the bedrooms where a girl was receiving an OTK spanking. Jane had been shocked and fascinated by it and mentioned it several times during the rest of the evening, wondering what the poor girl must have felt like!
Her curiosity was satisfied later that evening when David gave her the first spanking she'd ever had.
Being prepared meant silk underwear, stockings and not much else under her cashmere coat.
She enjoyed it when David was masterful. He was several years her senior and had introduced her to spanking after a party at which they'd overheard and then peeped into one of the bedrooms where a girl was receiving an OTK spanking. Jane had been shocked and fascinated by it and mentioned it several times during the rest of the evening, wondering what the poor girl must have felt like!
Her curiosity was satisfied later that evening when David gave her the first spanking she'd ever had.
This afternoon was different though. She'd phoned David at his office and told him she'd been watching spanking clips online during work time and made herself so horny she couldn't get on with her work.
David told her she'd better leave her office and report to him at a local hotel, he gave her a room number and told her he would soon cure her of her distraction.

After spanking his wife by hand, David arranged a neat pile of pillows on the bed and ordered Jane to bring him the implement he'd planted in the desk drawer.
She'd already guessed what it would be but still gasped as she withdrew it. She was not unacquainted with the cane.

Her caning stopped as abruptly as it had started and she lay there recovering her composure, waiting for an instruction. The heat spreading through her bottom was unbearable and she wondered how she'd feel later when she had to return to work and sit with clients! She didn't think her mind would be fully on the job, she knew she was wet between her legs and she knew there would be no immediate relief, it was they way they liked it. And the pain in her derriere would keep her on tenterhooks for the rest of the afternoon.

David's voice interrupted her thoughts. He made her get up from the bed and go stand against the wall with her panties down and her well marked bottom on display. He told her he'd made the special purchase of the genuine school cane for this occasion and, seeing how effective it had been in establishing her contrition, he fully intended to keep it and apply it on future occasions. Jane smiled to herself, she knew there would be future occasions.
After several minutes David came over to her, patted her bottom and told her it was time to get dressed and back to the office. She resisted the urge to grab him, she knew that would come later and the wait would be worth it.
Coat back on over her expensive underwear, hair fastened back, her composure returned, Jane was every bit the professional businesswoman as she left the hotel room to return to her legal practice.
Her mind drifted back to the stuffy client meeting she would attend in less than an hour, she smiled as she thought how their blood pressures would go off the scale if they knew what had just happened to their legal advisor.
Her mind drifted back to the stuffy client meeting she would attend in less than an hour, she smiled as she thought how their blood pressures would go off the scale if they knew what had just happened to their legal advisor.
Mmmm. I can't think of a better medicene when one is sick than reading a nice fantasy with spanking.
Aww I'm sorry that you were sick Ronnie but it does seem to be going around. Nearly all my family has it and I still have it.
Get well soon hugs, Jay
Thanks Jay, can't beleive how many people are down with it, never had anything like this before but I'll get there.
Hope you and yours get over it very soon.
Wow, Ronnie! You sure do write well when you're feeling less than perky! Wish I had that talent!!!
And I sure hope your spanking drought ends very, very soon!!!
Big hugs,
I am glad that you are on the mend but sorry that you were sick over Christmas.
That was a wonderful story! I hope you keep writing them!!
Just had to jump on and say thanks Tiggs and PK. We are virtually heading out of the door to visit family again today (Sunday) for 2-3days, dont really feel like but promised and haven't see them for quite a while. P said we really should go, so we are.
Love and best wishes for 2009.
Hi Ronnie:
A GREAT Story! I am glad that you were feeling well enough to write. I might have to show this post to my husband. I love the pictures.
Hope you're feeling even better today. I love your blog Ronnie
Take Care,
Andrades Girl
Be it Home, Office, or Hotel. For a naughty wife, its bend over, raise your dress, take down your knickers, and wearing only garter-belt and stockings, spanked blushing red on a voluptous bare bottom. Keeps a marriage going in the right direction.
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