Hope you all had a good weekend. We had a busy one. Ordered the turkey, decked the halls, went to our clients Christmas Fancy dress buffet on Saturday. Sunday did some Christmas shopping but didn't quite get it all done. Not stressed as I have a couple of days left, busy though.
I haven't had time to write a post and as it's been a while since I've shared one of my travel stories, thought I'd do it today. Hope you enjoy it
P said he had to go to Ireland and as it coincided with my birthday suggested I come along as he only had one official meeting which would take a couple of hours. Of course I jumped at the offer, show me a plane ticket and I'm easy, and I didn't want to miss out on a birthday spanking.

Got some very cheap tickets with one of the low cost airlines, UK readers will know them, their flights cost less than their card charges and they only just stop short of charging for using the in-flight loos (I'm sure it will come), it also left Birmingham airport at an unearthly hour. Still, I was happy I'd never been to Dublin before and was looking to a couple of days there.
The day didn’t start well, flight was slightly delayed and when we got to the hotel there was a mix up with rooms, the one we were allocated was being cleaned and no other rooms available as the hotel was full. I was just about to say something in anger to the receptionist as we had booked for an early check in when I felt Ps hand on by bottom and the look that said no, no point, so I didn’t but I was still annoyed. I'd got planned in my mind a lovely little distraction for when we got to our room, that was what really made me mad. I could tell P wasn’t happy either, he said he didn’t want to wait for the room to be ready, so we left the bags with reception, P took my hand and out we went.
It was a lovely sunny day, I soon forgot about about the room not being ready and got on with some sightseeing. We took a trip to the Guinness Storehouse and after that went on to Kilmainham Jail which is same side of town but further out, it's where Charles Stewart, Stewart Parnell, Robert Emmet, James Connolly were imprisoned and at least 14 leaders of the Easter risings were executed in 1916. Films such as "Italian Job" and "In The Name of the Father" were filmed. We'd missed the conducted tour so decided not to wait but return the next day (which we did and I'd recommend it to anyone visiting Dublin) . We stopped off on the way back to the hotel for a pint of Guinness in Temple Bar, it was crowded, everyone had glasses of the famous dark beer with the creamy head, me too, lovely.
We got back to the hotel slightly later than we'd planned. P had to send a couple of emails ready for his meeting next day, I had other things in mind but they didn't happen, he was over an hour downstairs (no wifi in the rooms) and when he returned said we should go out and eat. Drat, my plans weren't gelling at all, I admit I was hungry though. We had a lovely meal of tuna steaks, salad and a very yummy sweet for me, nice wine and some more Guinness in a music bar before making our way back to the hotel. When we got back P said he was tired, showered and went straight to sleep. I didn’t know whether to cry or scream, it was only just after 12.00 and my birthday and there was P asleep had he forgotten.
I woke up early after a good sleep, probably Guinness induced, stretched, shifted sideways a little and went to get out of bed but I felt P's hand on my back gently restraining me, felt his hand move down to my waist over my hips and settle on my bottom, mmmmmm ok I thought, happy birthday he said and then told me he hadn't forgotten my birthday spanking.
Too noisy I said, trying to remember if I'd heard movement in the next room, but he told me to lay on my stomach anyway and he'd worry about the noise, then reached his arm over the side of the bed and produced a short thin green cane, you know the sort you buy in garden centres, he must have borrowed it from one of the hotel's plant pots, either way it looked menacing to me, an avowed lifelong hater of canes, its mere 18'' did not soothe my fear of the dreaded implement at all, to my mind all canes are about 18 feet long, are evil and should be harder to buy than a firearms certificate. Having said that, when its your birthday and you're in snugly-just-woke-up mode with your man's hand kneading your bum cheeks it's challenging, to say the least, to resist an order to lie on your stomach.
So, I did with a mixture of dread and anticipation loaded heavily on the dread side, and after he gave my bottom a couple of sharp open handed slaps (far too loud) and told me to relax, he proceeded to deliver my birthday spanking. In sets of 5, alternating fast and slow, taking his time, rubbing in between and holding me in place or at least giving the impression of doing so, I do like feeling his hand on my back it's reassuring, even more so when I'm over his knee which was unfortunately not the case on this occasion. Anyway I digress, over knee or not the dreaded cane was meting out its wicked sting in such a way that I was not entirely horrified by its assault and even, during one of his rubbing interludes, asked him if he could deliver 10 fast harder strokes, did I really say that? I did, and before I had chance to withdraw such a ridiculous request said strokes were delivered and one birthdays girl was squiggling (is that a word, if not it should be it seems right for what I was doing) well and truly and I have to say not entirely from the sting of the cane.
When all 50ish (plus a few more) strokes were completed P relieved my bum with some soothing massage and I snuggled into him and when his hand went between my legs to check on other needs I was surprised at how quickly I reacted, ramming my one hand on top of his to emphasise my urgency and clamping the other over my mouth to subdue my scream which still managed to partially escape but not in any recognisable form. Hmmm I'd been worried about the noise of the spanking and the sting of the cane, now all I was worried about was if anyone had heard my scream and suggested maybe we could skip breakfast in case somebody on the floor knew what room we were, I’d die of embarrassment but P said don’t be silly.
I woke up early after a good sleep, probably Guinness induced, stretched, shifted sideways a little and went to get out of bed but I felt P's hand on my back gently restraining me, felt his hand move down to my waist over my hips and settle on my bottom, mmmmmm ok I thought, happy birthday he said and then told me he hadn't forgotten my birthday spanking.

So, I did with a mixture of dread and anticipation loaded heavily on the dread side, and after he gave my bottom a couple of sharp open handed slaps (far too loud) and told me to relax, he proceeded to deliver my birthday spanking. In sets of 5, alternating fast and slow, taking his time, rubbing in between and holding me in place or at least giving the impression of doing so, I do like feeling his hand on my back it's reassuring, even more so when I'm over his knee which was unfortunately not the case on this occasion. Anyway I digress, over knee or not the dreaded cane was meting out its wicked sting in such a way that I was not entirely horrified by its assault and even, during one of his rubbing interludes, asked him if he could deliver 10 fast harder strokes, did I really say that? I did, and before I had chance to withdraw such a ridiculous request said strokes were delivered and one birthdays girl was squiggling (is that a word, if not it should be it seems right for what I was doing) well and truly and I have to say not entirely from the sting of the cane.
When all 50ish (plus a few more) strokes were completed P relieved my bum with some soothing massage and I snuggled into him and when his hand went between my legs to check on other needs I was surprised at how quickly I reacted, ramming my one hand on top of his to emphasise my urgency and clamping the other over my mouth to subdue my scream which still managed to partially escape but not in any recognisable form. Hmmm I'd been worried about the noise of the spanking and the sting of the cane, now all I was worried about was if anyone had heard my scream and suggested maybe we could skip breakfast in case somebody on the floor knew what room we were, I’d die of embarrassment but P said don’t be silly.
I did have a smile on my face for the rest of the day and a warm bottom while I was walking around Dublin town waiting for P to finish his meeting. I drifted round a couple of art galleries, the university, P joined me and we bought a late lunch from Leo Burdock's most famous fish 'n chip shop in the world (believe me you need to see the signatures who's been there) and then we walked along the river, about 4 miles, I loved it, and when we got back to the hotel P gave me a lovely bracelet for my birthday, then we showered together it took about twenty minutes because we also fucked like newlyweds in the cubicle, then we went out for a leisurely stroll, a bit of souvenir shopping and a leisurely dinner.
So I loved Dublin and look forward to going back some day. I will say things are expensive there, more even than London, but the Irish have a way of extracting your money with a smile and twinkle in their eye and the gift of the gab, and you don't even notice it until your card statement arrives :)
ohhhhhhhh Ronnie, you make travelling together sound so much more fun then travelling guides do...
have a wonderfull Christmas and a happy new year...
love, Lessa
Lessa - LOL, thanks and thank you so much for taking the time to pop over.
Love to you both.
Hey, glad you enjoyed yourselves. You should have tipped us off you were coming. If you were here last Saturday, we could have introduced you to our friends at Nimhneach. www.nimhneach.ie
If you are ever planning another visit, try and combine it with a Nimhneach Saturday (once a month). Its a really relaxed diverse kinky social group - you just have to make some effort at dressing up, or down.
Haoppy Christmas and all the best for 2010.
Sounds lovely! You described it all so beautifully - Dublin as well as the other! I would love to visit that city.
Master Retep - Thanks for stopping.
I'll let you know if we ever visit again. I love dressing up.
Merry Christmas to you.
Hermione - Thanks. I think you would love Dublin. People are friendly, food great and of course you can't go to Dublin and not have a Guinness :)
Happy Belated Birthday Ronnie!! What a great way to celebrate! Many many more wonderful years I wish for you in health and beside P! Love and hugs, KayLynn
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