I'm going to bring up spanking and its place in our relationship. I was going to do it before Christmas, after that time he spank-punished me to do with my blog, but I backed off. I haven't got some belated grievance to air, not at all, in fact quite the reverse.
I'm going to tell him I quite liked it (might change 'liked' to 'respected' or something), admired in fact, the way he took control on that occasion and put me straight. This will be done during main course, I will have built up to it during antipasti. I'm going to make it known that since I joined blog land I've read loads of stuff which has really got me thinking about some of the underlying values spanking can bring to a relationship, I mean apart from sex. This is true actually, I'm far more conscious of pleasures, frissons and intrigues aside from the sex and would like to explore them more. Without losing the sex that's a given.
I'll let it be known that as we have a strong relationship, I don't feel at all belittled if ever he feels, ahem, more often the need to put me straight. Mains will be cleared by now and I'll be wondering if another bottle of Montepulciano might help the words flow more fluently. I'll order a pudding for now. By putting straight I mean spanked..er..you know hard like you did, no warning, when I was sassy over my blog, I mean to say I trust your judgement and I know you were right that day, even though I was a bit upset at the time. If I can catch the girl's eye I think a second bottle might be a good idea. So I mean, if I get silly over the blog again, well you know. Or any other things, I mean I do trust your judgement and don't worry any upset will be shortlived. All the time not just when I'm cheeky over my blog. My hand's under the table on his knee and his hand has joined it. The girl has caught my eye, another bottle on the way.
I'll pass on to other things, dessert and coffees, sip the wine, probably leave half a bottle, they'll cork it for us, why not. He's got the message I think, we do have good intuitive powers, didn't want to spell it out too plainly, it would spoil it.
Then again if I underplay it I won't get what I want.
Bon appetit!!
love and hugs xxx
That was pretty cool. A story set in the future yet feeling as if it's in the present. Why did you stop just when it was getting so good, lol? Oh, that's right ... I guess you are busy doing other things. :)
Enjoy your meal...I hope you get your "Just desserts"...Or is that pudding lol...
Karen x
Excellent post Ronnie! I think you know both what you want and what you need. I hope you always get both!
Thanks Guys, hope you'll forgive me for not answering each of you separately but couple of things going on which I have to deal with and not sure if I will be able to get back on line today.
Hi Ronnie:
What a delicious/sexy/fun dinner you have planned...I can't wait to hear about the results.
I hope everything is okay with you and your family.
Take care
Sounds like a scrumptious plan for an evening out! Wishing you all the very best!
AG - hi, lovely dinner a problem with P, take a look at my lastest post if you get time. Thanks for your concern.
Tiggs - thanks, be over to yours soon.
Thanks both.
I usually wait till we're out having dinner to discuss things that are on my mind. I guess it's knowing he won't get angry in public that makes me feel more comfortable.
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