Wednesday 21 December 2022

Looks a lot like Christmas

Well it does now the tree is up. Granddaughter decorated it and looks better than when I do it, True. She's only 4.

I can't believe it's Christmas Day on Sunday. Are you looking forward to it? I am, We are at home with some family joining us. P's doing the cooking. He's a much better cook than I am.

I'm waiting for two present to arrive so keeping fingers crossed they do as we have a Royal Mail strike on Friday and Saturday. 

I've looked this Christmas for spanking related cards, but no joy.  Her'e a couple I've bought or spotted in the past You might remember them.

This one you will remember as I posted it recently. It's my best find yet:)

We are visiting family today we wont see over Cristmas or the New Year to exchange gifts and then we have the Grandchildren for a couple of days.



Roz said...

Love the cards Ronnie lol. I can't believe Christmas day is on Sunday either, where has the year gone?!

Sounds like you have a wonderful day planned and horray for P doing the cooking, good on him. Hope the presents you are waiting on arrive on time.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.


Bogey said...

Sounds like a wonderful and traditional Christmas. Will you have spiced tea by the hearth?

Hermione said...

I love these cards. Here's wishing you and your family a very happy Christmas.


PK said...

Always love these cards! I hope Christmas is perfect for you all.

Fondles said...

Love the cards! Hope you have a meaningful time with family and friends over the holidays. I can't believe it's only 3 days till Christmas. I'm not thrilled it's happening on a weekend tbh. Somehow it's throwing my timetable off.

Meanwhile, here's to good cheer and delicious food. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Ronnie Soul said...

Roz - Thank you. Packages arrived yesterday. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Hope it's the best yet.

Bogey - Thanks. I'd have a job as we don't have a hearth and I hate spiced tea:) Merry Christmas to you both.

Hermione - Thanks. Merry Christmas. I hope it's a good one.

PK - Thanks. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Fondles - Thank you and to you and yours. I still have some bits and bobs to get tomorrow.


O and P Spanking Stories said...

Merry Christmas :)