Monday 20 July 2015

Irish Caner

There is (or was) a caner living in the Lansdowne area of Dublin. We were standing at the station waiting for the train to take us the short ride into the city centre when my husband got his phone out and started snapping, I thought he'd gone mad, it was hardly scenic, the few locals standing around took no notice. I asked him why he wanted a sleepy suburban rail platform on his camera, then he pointed to the far track and to a cane lying there ... and it was indeed a cane, a proper one about 3ft long and with a grey rubberised handle for good grip. I put a red arrow on the photo because it isn't as easy to identify on photo as it was real life. (click picture for bigger image and then again for larger one)

I was amazed, P was baffled, he wondered why someone would discard such a fine implement, and why dump it on the rail track. Our hotel wasn't far away only a few minutes walk, P said he would come back later, under cover of darkness and when no one was around, and retrieve it. I told him no way, it was dangerous and he'd be seen and in any case what on earth could he do with it apart from the obvious, I mean he couldn't take it out of the country as a little memento, at least not without a fair bit of embarrassment at the airport.

Of course he didn't go back for it, it was just one of those funny little things you see from time to time, and can only guess the story behind them.

Have a good week.



Michael M said...

Well you see Megan had been sent by her Mother from the village outside of Dublin to pay a visit to her uncle. Megan had come very close to ruining the family honour with her behaviour over Connor and she needed to be brought down a peg or two. She had been handed the family cane to take with her in her suitcase and to ask her Uncle for a whipping, which her Mother was not strong enough to give her.
On the train Megan got the idea of leaving Ireland for good and never seeing her family again, until she was rich and important. As the train sped along Megan opened the carriage door window and threw that horrid cane away.

an English Rose said...

sights you see when you are not looking!!
love Jan,xx

Simon said...

I suspect the answer as to why a cane had been abandoned there is in your piece. Retrieving items from railway tracks is very dangerous so in my hypothesis someone who had just bought a cane and was returning home somehow drops the cane on the track. It's too dangerous to jump down and get it and they are too embarrassed to ask for the staffs assistance. It's a shame because I bought a similar cane for my Mistress and know how expensive they are, and also how effective it is.

Roz said...

Wow Ronnie what a find. Good spotting on P's part! It's a shame too, no use sitting on the railway track. As you said though, dangerous to retrieve.


Hermione said...

What a waste of a perfectly good cane. I suppose P could have looked up train schedules and picked a safe time to retrieve it. Too late now, though.


PK said...

I could have left a cane behind, but I might have had to slip back for a good paddle or leather strap. At least those are easier to hide in a suitcase.

Aimless Rambling said...

Probably disposed of by some lady that didn't want it to be found.

stay at home mom said...

Hi Ronnie, there could be such an exciting story behind this. But I am glad that P did not go back to retrieve the cane, maybe that really would have been dangerous.



Anonymous said...

Great vision by P! Trains do not go by all that frequently, and the step down does not look difficult, but it would depend on how far you were from where you were staying, and who you might know there, in determining if you should retrieve it! I would think you would volunteer to go into a store and purchase something that required a big bag to hide the cane in. Opportunity missed!
bottoms up

Julia said...

Makes me wonder how often we miss these little things, simply because we don't see them.

And I think somebody was very happy to have gotten rid of it, lol.

Ami Starsong said...

Personally I think the person who left the cane on the rail tracks had a very good reason for doing so. Probably the very best place for a cane. Bet they are laughing fit to kill right now.


MrJ said...

What a waste indeed!

Minielle Labraun said...

Not that I love a cane.... But my face would have flushed and my heart may have fluttered seeing that cane 'there!'

Cat said...

LOL...I would say someone who doesn't care for canes threw it. ;) Thanks for sharing.

Hugs and blessings...Cat

ronnie said...

Michael - Very good, love it. Thanks.

Jan - You certainly do. Thanks.

Simon - I wonder how long it had been lying there for. Yes, good quality canes are expensive. Thank you.

Roz - I'd love to know the story behind it. Thanks.

Hermione - I don't know why he wanted another cane, we have plenty. Thanks.

PK - I thought you might say that:) Thanks.

SG - When her/his parntner found out, I hope she/he got a good spanking for disposing of it. Thanks.

Nina - He really wouldn't have gone back. Thanks.

Red - Even if he had retrieved it we wouldn't have been able to bring it though customs as we only had carry on cases. Thanks.

Julia - Ill be keeping my eyes open:) Thanks.

Ami - I wonder if they threw it from the train or took it to the rail station to dispose of it. Thanks.

MrJ - Definitely. Thank you.

Minelle - Such a waste:) Thank you.

Cat - I like to think there was more of a story behind it:) Thanks.


Kenzie said...

lol oh wow! The things we see and then wonder about! :)

sixofthebest said...

Ronnie, one can imagine all sorts of history of this wonderful corporal punishment implement. What stories, true stories, can it have been through. I can imagine, it being used many times on a females knickers down bare bottom. Can you?. Thank you for giving me the opportunity of my imaginative mind, contemplating its history.